As you are well aware of, depression is a disorder characterized by negative physical and psychological symptoms. The most common symptoms are anxiety, lack of concentration, body aches, mood swings, and poor sleeping habits. There are more extreme forms of depression that are linked to suicidal thoughts and dependencies on drugs and alcohol. Modern forms of medicine in the form of anti-depressant drugs are the West’s idea for dealing with depression. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) deals with depression in a much different way. Techniques such as acupuncture, Chinese herbs, tai-na massage, and energetic exercises to restore imbalances are all forms of treatment for different symptoms associated with depression. The holistic approach of acupuncture deals with the insertion of fine needles on separate parts of the body stimulating the body’s flow of energy known as “Qi”. Studies have shown that treating depression with acupuncture have both positive physical and holistic results on depressed patients. Studies have all shown that acupuncture is as effective as any other type of treatment for relieving depression symptoms, such as psychotherapy and drugs. At Staszak Physical Therapy and Wellness Center, we offer acupuncture therapy and can help treat your physical and emotional ailments, along with a host of other holistic services. Please contact us today. Allen, J. J. B. (2000). Depression and acupuncture: a controlled clinical trial. Psychiatric Times Online, 22, 3. Tian, C. H. (2002). Acupuncture treatment for depression. New England Journal of Traditional Medicine, 1, 4-7.
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