Acupuncture is a Chinese healing technique that revolves around the balance of Yin & Yang. Yang is a time of light and activity, while Yin is a time of darkness and rest. The idea is that one cannot exist without the other. In terms of human life, health results when Yin and Yang are balanced and harmonious within the body, and disease results when they are not. In Chinese medicine, another important aspect of health includes the natural flow of the life force “qi” (pronounced “chee”) throughout the body. When Yin and Yang are balanced within our bodies, we are said to have healthy circulation of qi. According to the Chinese, illness occurs when the flow of qi throughout the body is insufficient, interrupted, and unbalanced, causing Yin and Yang to lose their balance as well. When the constant circulation of qi through its 14 pathways -- otherwise known as “meridians” – is interrupted, pain or illness can occur, and acupuncture is then used to redirect the flow. Once the problem has been diagnosed, tiny needles are inserted into various “acupoints” throughout the body’s meridians and used to move qi and redirect energy in a way that restores the body’s natural balance of Yin and Yang. Acupuncture can be a very effective treatment option for individuals with a variety of health problems, including depression, headaches, hypertension, back pain, stroke, postoperative pain, even morning sickness – and the list goes on! If you would like to give acupuncture a try, call our office at (541) 505-8180 and make an appointment!
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